Master of Architecture 2 Year Curriculum
First Year - Fall
ARCH 6039 Advanced Studio I | 6 Credits |
ARCH 7350 Theory of Architecture I | 3 Credits |
ARCH 6030 Media + Modeling 3 | 3 Credits |
ARCH 7101 Integrated Building Systems I | 3 Credits |
Total Semester Hours | 15 Credits |
First Year - Spring
ARCH 6040 Advanced Studio II | 6 Credits |
ARCH 7102 Integrated Building Systems II | 3 Credits |
ARCH 8803 Design and Climate Change | 3 Credits |
Theory-Focused Elective (Any Arch 6352) | 3 Credits |
Total Semester Hours | 15 Credits |
Second Year - Fall
ARCH 6049 Design + Research Studio I | 6 Credits |
ARCH 7103 Integrated Building Systems III | 3 Credits |
ARCH 6315 Practice of Architecture I | 3 Credits |
Practice-Focused Elective (6000, 7000, 8000 level) | 3 Credits |
Total Semester Hours | 15 Credits |
Second Year - Spring
Arch 6050 Design + Research Studio II | 6 Credits |
Professional Elective (6000, 7000, 8000 level) | 3 Credits |
Professional Elective (6000, 7000, 8000 level) | 3 Credits |
ARCH 7151 History of Urban Form | 3 Credits |
Total Semester Hours | 15 Credits |
Please note: Successful completion of the Master of Architecture requires a minimum grade of C in all courses. Advanced placement is only granted for courses in which the student received a grade of A or B.
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