Master of Architecture 2 Year Curriculum

First Year - Fall

ARCH 6039 Advanced Studio I6 Credits
ARCH 7350 Theory of Architecture I3 Credits
ARCH 6030 Media + Modeling 33 Credits
ARCH 7101 Integrated Building Systems I3 Credits
Total Semester Hours15 Credits

First Year - Spring

ARCH 6040 Advanced Studio II6 Credits
ARCH 7102 Integrated Building Systems II3 Credits
ARCH 8803 Design and Climate Change3 Credits
Theory-Focused Elective (Any Arch 6352)3 Credits
Total Semester Hours15 Credits

Second Year - Fall

ARCH 6049 Design + Research Studio I6 Credits
ARCH 7103 Integrated Building Systems III3 Credits
ARCH 6315 Practice of Architecture I3 Credits
Practice-Focused Elective (6000, 7000, 8000 level)3 Credits
Total Semester Hours15 Credits

Second Year - Spring

Arch 6050 Design + Research Studio II6 Credits
Professional Elective (6000, 7000, 8000 level)3 Credits
Professional Elective (6000, 7000, 8000 level)3 Credits
ARCH 7151 History of Urban Form3 Credits
Total Semester Hours15 Credits

Please note: Successful completion of the Master of Architecture requires a minimum grade of C in all courses. Advanced placement is only granted for courses in which the student received a grade of A or B.


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