Andrew Ross and Shelley Poticha

Redesigning Cities with Affordable Housing

Wednesday, November 17th, 2021 at 3 p.m. EST

This event will no longer be hosted in Reinsch-Price Family, and instead will be held entirely online.  

BlueJeans Events

Today, a minimum-wage earner can afford a one-bedroom apartment in only 145 out of 3,143 counties in America. Andrew Ross of NYU and author of Sunbelt Blues: The Failure of American Housing (2021) and Shelley Poticha of the NRD and former Director of Sustainable Housing and Communities at HUD will discuss how ineffective government planning, property market speculation, and poverty wages have created this housing crisis -- and the policy and design measures needed to pull us out of it.

This event is free and open to the public.

Register here to join.

Media Inquiries

Ann Hoevel
Director of Communications
College of Design
E-mail Ann Hoevel
+1 404-385-0693