The dual Master of Architecture (M.Arch) and Master of City and Regional Planning (MCRP) degree program provides an education for those who wish to engage directly in the process of city building.
The program is intended to meet the needs of planning agencies, consultants, institutions, and architectural firms for graduates who can deal competently with the design complexities of urban areas.
The curriculum is comprised of the core requirements for each of the two professional programs and, in addition, a set of dual requirements that focus upon urban design as a common ground linking the theory and practice of the two disciplines. The dual curriculum builds upon five major bodies of material:
Urban history and design theory as a way of understanding the formal and architectural order of the city
Economics and development methods as a basis for formulating development projects
Process and methods as a means of understanding professional practice and of designing policies and strategies that can be implemented in a private market regulated by public bodies
The performance of design interventions in achieving specified economic, social, and environmental objectives
Design studios as a basis for exploring architectural, urban design and development issues utilizing theory, method and professional practice paradigms
How to Apply
In order to enroll in the program, students must apply separately and be admitted independently to each program. We encourage students to apply to the dual degree program before beginning studies in either program. The program graduate advisors will forward applications on file in response to a request from a student. These materials will be reviewed during the regular admissions schedule in place in the relevant program.
Both degrees will be awarded simultaneously. So, please note that students enrolled in the dual degree program may not receive either degree until they have completed the requirements of both degrees.
The Dual Degree Program in Architecture requires the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and a portfolio submission.
Quynh is a dual Master of Architecture and Master of City & Regional Planning student and serves on the Student Planning Association and Equity in Architecture student organizations. Quynh's undergraduate degree was in landscape architecture, and even during her studies at Georgia Tech, she has been involved with the Atlanta City Studio.