Undergraduate Portfolio Guidance

Students applying to the B.S. in Architecture program may choose to submit a portfolio.

  • First-Year applicants will be given a link to both the Design Portfolio on your Georgia Tech application status page after you submit your application. You will have until the document deadline for the round (Early Action or Regular Decision) for which you have applied to submit your portfolio.
  • Transfer applicants are required to complete the Design Portfolio as part of their application and before submission.


A successful portfolio will include no more than 10 slides with at least 10 high-quality reproductions of your best and most recent artwork. We encourage you to submit original ideas and work (rather than copies of other artwork). Our interest is in evaluating your skill, craft/discipline, and creativity. Your portfolio can include, but is not limited to:

  • Drawings (especially those from real-life observations),
  • Painting,
  • 2D and 3D design,
  • Photography,
  • Woodworking,
  • Sculpture, or
  • Any other visual media that demonstrates your skill and creativity.

Mechanical and architectural drawings are NOT necessary. If included, they should emphasize design and creativity, and not just technical skills.

Each item in the portfolio should be labeled with:

  • Information about the original size and the medium used (or software, if applicable),
  • Whether the piece was part of a class assignment or done on your own, and
  • A one- or two-sentence comment about the piece that explains your design intentions.


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