Student Recognition of Excellence Awarded to Faculty

Michael Gamble, George Johnston, and Keith Kaseman headshots against a gold background
Michael Gamble, George Johnston, and Keith Kaseman received recognition for excellence in teaching.

Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching Awarded to Three Architecture Faculty Members

January 28, 2021 | Atlanta, GA

Each year the Georgia Tech Center for Teaching and Learning awards faculty for their teaching excellence, and this year, three faculty from the School of Architecture have been selected as winners.

Our faculty will be honored as part of Celebrating Teaching Day, which is scheduled to take place on March 9, 2021. Associate professor and director of the Master of Architecture program, Michael Gamble, professor, George Johnston, and assistant Professor and director of the Spatial Futures Lab, Keith Kaseman received the Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Class of 1934 Award.

“The criteria for selection for the award included a student response rate of 85% and above.  CIOS scores were based on the sum of three scale items: (#16) Instructor’s respect and concern for students; (#17) Instructor’s level of enthusiasm about teaching the course; (#18) Instructor’s ability to stimulate my interest in the subject matter,” wrote the Center for Teaching and Learning. “Ties were broken by response rate.”

The award, previously known as the Class of 1940 Course Survey Teaching Effectiveness Award, was created to celebrate faculty members who received exceptional response rates and scores from their Course-Instructor Opinion Survey, which students complete at the end of each semester. Courses taught during the 2020 calendar year were considered for this award.   

Media Contact:
Carmen New
Marketing and Events Coordinator II
Georgia Institute of Technology | School of Architecture